Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ducal Band of the Scots Guards in Grey Overcoats

This is a great looking set that has a good deal of sentimental value to me.  This was purchased on a trip I made to England in 2000.  The trip was actually a musical trip as I was traveling over with my college band.  While in England, we attended "Beating Retreat", a military tattoo and also spent time at Wellington Barracks where we got to watch the changing of the guard from the inside of the fence (due to great connections with the ensemble director as well as the head of military music for the British Army.  The day happened to be quite rainy and the band along with all of the soldiers participating in the changing of the guard were wearing the long gray overcoats which I had previously never seen.  So after the ceremonies, I sauntered into "The Guards" toy soldier shop (one of my favorites) and picked up this set along with a few others.  I have become especially enamored with Ducal through the years as they always have unique settings for bands and tend to have a great deal of band groups in their line.  I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I do.

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