Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oplos United States Marine Band

Fresh on the heels of the Col. John figure is another group that is one of my favorites.  This set made by Oplos, a company from Argentina (I think) came from the same shop I got Co. John from.  For years, I was convinced that the only two shops in the US were Le Petite in New Orleans and Kings X in San Antonio (days before the internet).  This set was acquired at the same time as the custom figure of the Col.was acquired.  When I happened across figures- I bought them if I could.

The interesting things about this set are the fact that no matter how hard I look, I cant find ANY CLUE of an existance of Oplos... and furthermore this is the only set I know of that is a true to form US Marine Band set... the Uniforms are right.  The instrumentation is almost right... this is as complete as you can find in a Marine Band set.. IMHO.

This 17 piece set includes female musicians, the correct uniforms and a fantastic wooden case... It is truly one of my favorites.  Enjoy the pics below.

Origin: Spain
Purchased at Le Petite Toy Soldier in New Orleans
Year: 1990s


1 comment:

  1. I recently acquired this set and a 51pc set with more types of figures,drum major,conductoretc. At idea of value?
