The Band of the Line seems to be one of the most readily available early Britains sets. I am not sure the reasoning behind this... I assume that it was produced on a larger scale than other more valuable sets. I am very proud of this band as I have pieced together the full Band of the Line via many auctions, antique stores, and sales along the year.
My collecting this set is actually kind of a mistake of sorts. It seems that whenever anyone in my family does not know what to get me for a holiday, they end up sending me a few soldiers picked up at a local antique mall... Well for a few Christmas holidays I received these and actually just thought it was serendipity that they all matched... after a bit of research I found that they were all Band of the Line and I then went on the hunt for others. I soon found thanks to
great toy soldier sites that I had a number of prewar and postwar figures in the collection.. and that I was missing but one piece to complete it... a Flute player was all I needed. After scouring eBay and auction sites for a few more weeks I finally ran across the missing Flute and purchased it along with a number of other figures. Thus completing my over-sized Band of the Line... I think for now I am done with this ensemble... I may try to parse it out and sell off one complete set if I ever acquire enough figures to have two complete sets... now all I need is a box for them and I will be quite happy.
Britains "Band of the Line" No. 27
12 of 12 Piece set w/o box+ additional 3 Bass drums, 4 Snare drums, 2 drum majors, 2 coronets, 1 cymbal, 1 trombone, 2 euphonium and 4 parading buglers. 31 pieces altogether.
Origin: England
Year: 1946-1966
Value: between $100-$300
Actual set: minus new additions
Complete set in box